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WebMaker 10.6
WebMaker - Update 10.6
We are pleased to announce the release of WebMaker 10.6, which also includes an important change for Log4j. WebMaker 10.6 includes the following features and enhancements:
Theme Designer
Easier and more intuitive features for inclusion of external fonts, including from the Google Font libraries. Additional options for the placement of background images. More font sizing options.
Page Designer
Social Media quick link controls and pre-defined blocks, including different permutations of style and layout settings. Embed control with more relaxed client-side formats, making it easier to include audio visual embeds, such as YouTube videos, SoundCloud audio links, etc. Easier and more intuitive hyperlink targets for font icons and hyperlink controls.
Projects And Templates
We have included a new landing page template for creating websites that are more lightweight in nature. You can always extend to include more enterprise features as your requirements expand, but the new template enables you to get started faster than ever before.   We have also introduced a fresh new lite theme, for those of you that haven’t moved to the dark side after so many years. Dark mode is the default setting, but you can easily switch using the Preferences dialogue. This release also includes a range of additional fixes and enhancements that improve usability, performance and compatibility.
Integrated Updater Improvements
We have improved and streamlined the compatibility between the Cloud and On-premise versions of WebMaker, providing more seamless updates and close to real-time notifications.
Hot Tips Panel
We have improved the layout and accessibility of the Top Tips panel. You now have a one-click mechanism to obtain quick help links to relevant documentation and tutorial videos.
An Important Note On Log4j
WebMaker Studio and WebMaker Runtime previously made minimal use of Log4j and in this release we have removed WebMaker’s dependency on Log4j altogether. We would urge you to upgrade to WebMaker 10.6.
Check out the Forum Announcements for details on any WebMaker 10.6 updates.
More Features introduced in WebMaker version 10.5